Publicações 2008 a 2010

Cruz, C. A. G.; M. F. Napoli & P. M. Fonseca. 2008. A new species of Phasmahyla Cruz, 1990 (Anura: Hylidae) from the State of Bahia, Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology, 3(3):187–195.

Phasmahyla timbo

Abstract. A new species of the genus Phasmahyla is described from an Atlantic Rain Forest remnant at Serra do Timbó, Municipality of Amargosa, State of Bahia, Brazil. The new species is recognized by its medium size for the genus (snout-vent length 32.4 to 35.8 mm in males); reduced to absent coloration with purple spots on concealed surfaces of arm, forearm, thigh, tibia, tarsus, and digits; male with moderate nuptial pad of minuscule horny asperities on finger I; tympanum distinct only on ventral half; dorsolateral glands well developed; dorsal skin slightly coarse; larval oral disc with distinct anterior and two posterior series of horny teeth; interrupted first posterior series of horny teeth slightly larger than the anterior one. Temporal and spectral parameters of the advertisement call are described for the new species, and for the first time for the genus Phasmahyla.

Pimenta, B. V.; M. F. Napoli & C. F. B. Haddad. 2009. A new species of casque-headed tree frog, genus Aparasphenodon Miranda-Ribeiro (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae), from the Atlantic Rainforest of southern Bahia, Brazil. Zootaxa, 2123:46–54.

Aparasphenodon arapapa

Abstract. A new species of Aparasphenodon is described from patches of arboreal restinga within the Atlantic Forest Biome, in a region known as Baixo Sul in southern Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Aparasphenodon arapapa sp. nov. is promptly diagnosed from other Aparasphenodon mainly by having small size (male snout-vent length 57.4–58.1 mm), loreal region flattened and wide, and canthus rostralis rounded and poorly elevated. The wide and flattened snout resembles that found in Triprion and Diaglena, and possibly is a parallelism (homoplasy) related to the phragmotic behavior of casque-headed tree frogs to their microhabitat usage. The decision to allocate the new species in the genus Aparasphenodon is discussed in detail, as the single morphological synapomorphy of the genus, the presence of a prenasal bone, is insufficient to morphologically relate the new species to Aparasphenodon, Triprion, or Diaglena.

Resumo. Uma nova espécie de Aparasphenodon é descrita, proveniente de fragmentos de restinga situados no Bioma da Floresta Atlântica, em uma região conhecida como Baixo Sul no sul da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. Aparasphenodon arapapa sp. nov. é prontamente diagnosticada de outros Aparasphenodon principalmente por apresentar tamanho pequeno (comprimento rostro-cloacal em machos 57,4–58,1 mm), região loreal achatada e larga e canto rostral levemente arredondado e pouco elevado. O focinho largo e achatado se assemelha aos de Triprion e Diaglena e possivelmente é um paralelismo (homoplasia) relacionado ao comportamento de fragmose praticado por pererecas-de-capacete no uso de seus micro-hábitats. A decisão de alocar a nova espécie no gênero Aparasphenodon é discutida em detalhe, já que a única sinapomorfia morfológica de Aparasphenodon, a presença de um osso prenasal, é insuficiente para relacionar morfologicamente a nova espécie a Aparasphenodon, Triprion ou Diaglena.

Napoli, M. F.; Ananias, F.; Fonseca, P. M.; Silva, A. P. Z. 2009. Morphological and karyotypic contributions for a better taxonomic definition of the frog Ischnocnema ramagii (Boulenger, 1888) (Anura, Brachycephalidae). South American Journal of Herpetology, 4(2):164–172.

Ischnocnema ramagii
(Salvador, Bahia)

Abstract. In this study we describe the morphological variation of Ischnocnema ramagii from a population sample within the Municipality of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil, and characterize two extremely distinct morphotypes within this taxon (striped vs. non-striped dorsum); we describe its karyotype, and compare the karyotypic structure of the distinct morphotypes recognized herein. Specimens with striped dorsa were less common (13-18%) than those with non-striped dorsa (81-86%), the latter group comprising a mix of discrete color pattern states, whose frequencies were not different among juveniles, males, and females. The PCAs on morphometric data resulted in a strong degree of superposition between striped and non-striped dorsa, for both genders. We encountered a diploid number of 30 chromosomes for both males and females, with chromosome pairs 1 to 15 being telocentric. The karyotypic comparison between specimens with striped and non-striped dorsa did not show any noticeable difference. Nevertheless the karyotype of I. ramagii from Salvador, Bahia, differed from the karyotype described for I. paulodutrai from Ilhéus, Bahia, which showed a submetacentric chromosome pair. This result supports the presence of two full "sibling" species in Bahia State, one from the south (I. paulodutrai) and another from the north (I. ramagii), validating the identity of I. paulodutrai as a full species, and refuting the recognition of Salvador samples as I. paulodutrai. The high number of telocentric chromosomes suggests a closer relationship between I. ramagii and "Eleutherodactylinae" species from Central America and the northern region of Brazil.

Napoli, M. F.; Pimenta, B. V. S. 2009. A new species of the Bokermannohyla circumdata group (Anura: Hylidae) from the coastal forests of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Copeia, 2009(4):674683.

Bokermannohyla capra

Bokermannohyla capra
(Amargosa, Bahia)

Abstract. We describe a new species of tree frog related to the Bokermannohyla circumdata group, the northernmost record from Atlantic Forest remnants in eastern Bahia, northeastern Brazil, within regions known as Vale do Jiquiriçá, Baixo Sul, and Litoral Sul. The new species is diagnosed by medium size (snout–vent length 46.8–64.1 mm), head longer than wide, small tympanum, posterior surfaces of thighs with dark brown transverse stripes without additional thin stripes between them, vocal slits in adult males, and distinct advertisement call with a single note composed of 30–110 pulses distributed within 2–9 pulse groups, similar to the bleating of a goat. The new species is morphologically similar to B. hylax and B. lucianae, but is readily distinguished by the presence of barred posterior surfaces on the thighs without thin stripes between them (immaculate in B. lucianae; thin stripes intercalated with wider stripes in B. hylax) and by its distinct vocalization.

Napoli, M. F.; Juncá, F. A.; Cruz, D.; Abreu, R. O. 2010. Amphibia, Anura, Strabomantidae, Strabomantis aramunha Cassimiro, Verdade & Rodrigues, 2008: Distribution extension with notes on natural history, color patterns, and morphometric data. Check List (São Paulo. Online), v. 6, p. 275279.

Strabomantis aramunha

Abstract. During surveys of anurans in the Chapada Diamantina, a semiarid region in central Bahia, Brazil, we obtained new records of Strabomantis aramunha Cassimiro, Verdade and Rodrigues. The new records extend the geographic distribution of S. aramunha in about 200 km north and 75 km south in relation to the type locality (municipality of Mucugê, state of Bahia, Brazil). We observed males calling at night at the Morro do Pai Inácio, municipality of Palmeiras. This new data is important, as in the original description the authors suggested the possibility of absence of advertisement call in the species. We also provide additions on color and morphometric data.

Cruz, C. A. G.; Napoli, M. F. 2010. A new species of smooth horned frog, genus Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro (Amphibia: Anura: Cycloramphidae), from the Atlantic Rainforest of eastern Bahia, Brazil. Zootaxa 2660: 5767.

Proceratophrys sanctaritae sp. nov.

Abstract. We describe a new species of smooth horned frog related to the Proceratophrys appendiculata complex, constituting the northernmost record of that complex for the Atlantic Forest remnants in eastern Bahia, northeastern Brazil, within a region known as Vale do Jiquiriçá. Proceratophrys sanctaritae sp. nov. is diagnosed from all congeners by the combination of medium size (snout–vent length 38.4–45.5 mm), single and long uni-cuspidate palpebral appendage, rostral appendage longer than upper lip width, presence of preocular crest, frontoparietal crest poorly developed, color of ventral surfaces, and acoustic parameters of the advertisement call.